Källa: aftonbladet spel
På tisdag startar ett is event och uppgifter handlar om att hjälpa till att befria Foundables ifrån isen.
From January 7 at 11 a.m. PT to January 14 at 11 a.m. PST join in the frozen fun by encountering:
Increased sightings of Foundables trapped in ice Confoundables, including Hippogriffs and the Nimbus 2000.
Increased Wizard XP when returning Foundables trapped by ice Confoundables.
Tonic for Trace Detection will increase your chances of encountering rare Foundables trapped in ice Confoundables.
Baruffio’s Brain Elixir duration will be increased from 30 mins to a full hour.
Källa: harrypotterwizardsunite
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